This page will have all relevant info to courses that Chris Hong is teaching at Cooper Union!
Instructor: Christopher Hong
Current Semester Office Hours: Tuesdays 6PM-8PM (room 214) and by appointment
ECE366 - Software Engineering & Large Systems Design
ECE160 - Programming for Electrical Engineers
CS102C - Introduction to Computer Science
CS102D - Introduction to Computer Science
ECE366 - Software Engineering & Large Systems Design
ECE160 - Programming for Electrical Engineers
CS102B - Introduction to Computer Science
ECE366 - Software Engineering & Large Systems Design
ECE160 - Programming for Electrical Engineers
CS102B - Introduction to Computer Science
CS102D - Introduction to Computer Science
CS102B - Introduction to Computer Science
ECE160B - Programming for Electrical Engineers
CS102A - Introduction to Computer Science
ECE160B - Programming for Electrical Engineers
ECE160B - Programming for Electrical Engineers
EE Cooper Union Course Catalog